What areas are included in a “full body” massage?
A full body massage typically includes arms, hands, legs, feet, glutes, back, upper chest/shoulders, neck, and head/scalp if there is time and it is requested.
If you are uncomfortable with work on any of these areas during your session (for any reason), please let me know so I can plan to work around it.
Any areas that would be covered by a bikini will never be worked on or exposed, regardless of gender.
Allergies or Sensitivities
We don’t use any aromatherapies or scented products without asking and our laundry detergent is unscented. Our lotions are typically free of allergens, but we can check the ingredients on request anytime.
What do we specialize in, and how should I know if I am a good fit for your techniques?
Our therapists capable of a full range of pressure from intense deep to gentle and relaxing. I adapt to meet varying needs; however, I prefer deep tissue!
I just booked my first massage. What should I expect?
First, you should fill out your intake form found in your email at least 24 hours prior to your session. This will allow us to better plan your session or be made aware of any medical conditions that require special consideration. This will also allow you to inform us of promo codes you may have that will provide a partial refund or complimentary service.
You can also let me know via the contact tab found at the bottom of this page.
When preparing to arrive for your session, please note that it is important to arrive 5-10 minutes early. We schedule sessions with additional time to ask questions and discuss goals with more leniency than some offices, however we do need to stay on schedule!
After a quick discussion of your goals with your massage session, I will step out for you to get undressed and lay on the massage table, either face down ON the headrest or face up OFF the headrest (with head on the table). You can take off as much or as little clothing as you feel most comfortable to allow access to areas you need work, but most people choose to just leave on their underwear bottoms. Please ensure that you are covered well by the sheets before announcing that you are ready. As previously mentioned, “bikini areas” must be covered at all times by careful sheet draping and should feel secure throughout the session.
During your session, you are more than welcome to ask questions, give feedback, and/or chat as much as you feel will benefit you. If you need the pressure or technique adjusted, let me know!
After your session ends, your therapist will exit to allow you time to dress and meet us up front.
Stay hydrated so that your body can adapt to the work without getting sore!
If you have any further questions, please contact us and we will be happy to help.